==" time really goes without waiting..
i should make a time table... i think...
sigh... work like usual...
then till that night..
19th Febuary...
my Gang plannig to go pub~
i just diam diam only...
just carry on~
the place we plan to go is RJ~
but... when we arrived that place..
what the? no light?
lol... we going to ask the guard...
and the guard say....
'sudah tutup lama lo~ hampir 2 bulan..'
our emo... O_O""老掉~
nvm~place to voodoo~
sigh... kinda blur... at there...
so many peoples...
and then we...
open 3 buckets...
==" Our BIG BRO~ Naked and dance..

ish~ i wont't recognize him as my friend on that moment..
really.... aikz... *sob...a bit regret..
i almost drink 1 and ½ bucket..
lol... but conclusion is... i'm drunked..
kinda blur when i'm on poor condition...
cannot tahan~ then call friend send me back home..
when arrived home.. Hui~ vomit directly... on road side..
==" i were think i can walk straight or not..
but.. i goes to this \ =="
and then.... my turns... vomit..
==" after change cloth... slept on floor..
till the next day..
holly SHIT~ headache... plus skin appear reddy...
but no choices.. i have to go work..
but... might happy hanging out for the first time. =)
Don't takes alcohol it's harmful to you...
Kenedy say.
Kenedy say.
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